Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 26-29, 2014: Water Pump

One water pump, one water filter, two and a half days, and several "boat bites" (skinned knuckles or other wounds incurred during the work)! It may not look like much; but the old domestic water pump had died and had to be removed along with a water storage tank. the new pump is a variable speed drive requiring no tank, so we installed a filter that makes the water taste bottled! Shiny stainless steel "box" is the water heater. all work is in the engine "room" (crawl space) below the main cabin.

While Ger was working on the water problems, Judie was cleaning all the exterior stainless steel railings and canopy supports with "Bright Boy" cleaner and wax - an old family tradition our children will not fondly remember.

March 22-25, 2014 Arrival at Boat

Arrival at boat: After a leisurely breakfast and conversations, we said goodbye to family and headed to Daytona Beach. Stopped in Astor on the St. Johns River for lunch on a floating restaurant - great burgers. Arrived at the boat about 3:00 and started the unload and move-aboard process. The next three days were spent cleaning the boat inside and out (not fun - but very necessary after being gone for 6 months), unpacking the clothes and supplies we brought with us, and getting some groceries. David, Karen, and Sara Corns and Denton (Sara's friend) visited as there were in town for a short Spring Break.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15-16, 2014: This is the big weekend! We are sorting, packing, staging and loading all of the "stuff" we think we will need (and do not already have) on the boat for this years adventure. Clothes, charts, books, canned goods we don't want to spoil over the summer, and Judies quilt projects for rainy days. Not to mention lots of paperwork, medicines, and books/videos/I-pod/I-pad/I-phone and two computers.