Fired the engines about 7:30 and with the help of two great dock hands, safely and easily left our slip and headed north. Crossed St. Mary's River and followed the markers past Kings Bay Submarine Base; the east coast home for our Trident Missile Attack Subs. We saw no ships, but pretty impressive place. As you can see in the photos; cloudy and some fog. But a great tide pushing us along at 9 knots!
Every ship is hid like this one. |
The degaussing pen. |
A little farther along we passed "Mumford Creek" - see Kathy, we think about you!
St. Andrews sound, just south of Jekyll Island was wide and rough. The markers take you all the way to the edge of the Ocean and the ways were 2-3 feet and 6 foot swells and the tide against us. Life jackets went from being close by to being on our bodies. Boat handled it all well and about 45 minutes later we were safely in Jekyll Creek. It started to cloud up and we considered stopping at the Marina. As soon as we passed and entered a very narrow area; yep, the rain came. Life jackets to rain gear in 15 minutes. As soon as we cleared the narrow area, we cleared the rain and headed NW to Brunswick GA. Stopped at Brunswick Landing Marina, a great hurricane hole, for a few days to watch the rain blow past. The marina has the best showers/restrooms yet and a great 3700 SF clubhouse, is 3 blocks to the town, and managed by some great folks.
Another set of couples cruising together on separate boats invited us over for 6:00 cocktails and we chatted with them until about 8:30. They left the next morning for Savannah. Our second day was getting the bikes out in the morning and riding to the grocery store and West Marine (remember fiberglass repair). Trip was about 2 miles each way and pretty easy on bicycles. Enjoyed a great dinner at "Tipsy McSways" bar. There was a lady there seeking sponsors for her 3-day breast cancer walk; so for my $20 donation I got a free Martini and a 15 minute massage. Great! Judie passed.
After dinner, the Marina was hosting movie night so we joined about 20 other folks and watched "The Ghost and the Darkness" about building the railroads in Africa while being stalked by 2 large lions.
This morning we toured town some more, put the bikes away, Judie is cleaning house while I catch up on computer stuff. Steady rain since about 11:00 and looks to go the rest of the day - as expected.
Beta Sigma Phi float with "Beauty Queens" from the 50's. |
Judie admiring fountains made from ornate stone of older buildings. |
The old and the new police stations. |
One of 14 small parks downtown. |
"Cutie Patooties" for Addie |
The Marina |
Another boat like ours stopped too. We are the second boat. |
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